O'Gara School Of Irish Dance
New Starter Information

Registration Forms & Fees - As part of the teaching rules, each child needs to complete a registration form (nag me if you have not done one). To remain as a registered qualified teacher I have to pay an annual registration fee as well as public liability insurance to the "An Coimisiun" affiliation. To cover this there will be a small annual charge per dancer each year, January time. The first half term is payable weekly whilst we see how dancers get on. After that fees for classes will be charged by the half term. As long as fees are paid by the end of the current half term I don't mind when you pay.

Classes - Please arrive and leave punctually.  Parents are welcome to stay during class but please be quiet and keep other children under control and by your side. Once dancers progress I may switch them from one class to another depending on what is more suitable for them.  There is no dress code for dance classes other than no jeans - any loose fitting clothing is fine and please bring a drink. 

Parking for classes at The Reading Irish Centre- Most of the land immediately outside of the Irish Centre belongs to the boxing club and not the Irish Centre, you need a permit to park there so please don't. There is a multi story pay on exit car park directly opposite the Irish centre or the Central Swimming Pool car park is a short walk away.

Shoe's N Stuff - Pumps or trainers are fine initially until you are certain your child has got the bug before splashing your cash. Once they are addicted they will need some proper Irish Dancing shoes. Ebay is worth scanning, just enter Irish Dancing in the search field. Cushioned insoles or shock absorbing material is recommended for inside Irish Dancing shoes. There is a dance shop in Reading called Dancia International, address: 36-38 Prospect Street, Reading, RG4 8JL, Tel 0118 947 8123. There is also a dance shop in Abingdon called Centre Stage, 9 Bath Street, Abingdon, tel 01235 554060. The Antonio Pacelli website on the links page has a great range of Irish Dancing products. For beginners and primary grades the O'Gara School uniform is available from www.crazyladies.co.uk. You can choose whatever colour you prefer for the dress but please ensure the sequinned trim around the neck is gold as we match the gold sequins with a gold sparkly belt as modelled on the photo.

Feis and Displays - We regularly do shows and displays. Some venues are small and it would be impossible to invite all of the dancers. Once a child knows the beginner's reel and can perform it on their own they will be eligible to take part in the displays. I will try to share out the displays as best I can. Competitions (feis) are tough as Irish Dancing is extremely popular at the moment, you do not have to compete at a feis if you do not want to.   www.instep.com has all the feis listings.

Maps & Directions - See the dance classes page for maps and directions for both Reading & Harwell (Didcot).

Facebook - The dance school has a facebook page which is very useful for training purposes. I frequently upload videos of steps or performances which can aid the dancers in their learning. The school group page is only open to dancers/parents and you will need to be added by myself, Geralyn, Laura or Claire. It is not visible to the general public.


Copyright 2007 O'Gara Irish Dance
Tel: 07961 454089